Hairdressing terms translated

Hairdresser Speak

Have you ever wondered exactly what your hairdresser is talking about? Here are a few ‘hairdressing terms’ you might hear when you consult with your stylist at our George Street Townhouse salon in Bath. Never be afraid to ask if there’s anything you don’t understand!

Block colour

Full or partial colour applied to the scalp and ends of hair.

Breaking up the colour

Creating more contrast within the shades of an even and monotone tint to break it up and create more depth and interest.

Warmer colour

Adding red, copper or gold tones to the hair.

Cooler shades

Adding silvery or ash colours to the hair to replace any brassiness or yellow tones.


Weaved foil colour for lightening hair.


Weaved foil colour for darkening hair.


Sections isolated in foil, coloured in a block colour.


Hair weaved out, wrapped in foil and coloured.


Hair is cut from a longer length to a shorter length underneath. A good example is a graduated bob, where it is heavy on top and taken in short at the nape.

Club cut

Cutting the hair bluntly, such as in a one-length bob.


Breaking up the hair by cutting into it to give it texture and add lift.